The Advantages of Batch Messaging and Calling

February 16, 2024 // Product

“Batch” in telecommunications refers to the process of delivering large volumes of SMS or phone calls in groups rather than initiating each message one by one.

Most providers don’t offer batch messaging, which means that your servers have at least a one to one relationship with each SMS or phone call you initiate. Even if your provider could give you 10 messages per request, you would effectively reduce your request count by 90%, which can have a massive impact, particularly during peak traffic times.

As an industry-leading CPaaS, Voxology delivers world-class batch messaging and calling functionality.

Benefits at a glance:

  • Easier to scale quickly
  • Lower server costs
  • Greatly reduced software complexity by pushing it onto the platform
  • Frees up expensive engineers for higher value work by cutting down time and expense associated with developers optimizing servers

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Economies of scale

Batch messaging brings significant cost savings to server infrastructure. By consolidating multiple messages into a single batch, servers can operate at a fraction of the size, handling many messages per API call. This reduction in server load translates to lower infrastructure costs, as fewer resources are required to process and transmit messages. With batch messaging, the need for servers to operate at high speeds continuously is reduced, allowing for more efficient resource utilization.

The simplicity introduced by batch processing not only streamlines server operations but also reduces the overall expenses associated with maintaining and scaling telecommunications infrastructure.

As a result, organizations can achieve a more cost-effective and sustainable approach to handling large volumes of messages while maintaining the required throughput and responsiveness.

Optimize for peak scale

Because the simplicity introduced by batch processing not only streamlines server operations and reduces the overall expenses associated with maintaining and scaling the telecommunications infrastructure, developers are able to optimize server infrastructure around peak traffic times.

For example, rather than having your highly-paid Senior Developers spend six months trying to find solutions to scale your application for, say, Black Friday — where you might send a month’s worth of messages in five hours — you can reallocate their time to other projects knowing that, at a fraction of the load, your servers will be able to handle the peak traffic.

By optimizing for peak traffic times, businesses can avoid expending disproportionate effort and resources on isolated events, allowing engineers to concentrate on more strategic endeavors throughout the year.

Batch use cases

Batch messaging is ideal for those sending SMS or voice notifications at scale, particularly with bursty-type traffic like emergency notifications. Seasonal peaks, like Black Friday in e-commerce, holiday airline travel, large sporting events, open enrollment for insurance, and tax season for accounting, can also benefit greatly from batch messaging.

It prevents the need for extensive optimization efforts focused on short-term, high-traffic scenarios, as seen in the example of spending six months addressing a problem relevant to just three days during Black Friday.

Be sure to assess the time spent optimizing for peak traffic and consider the opportunity costs of your engineers. By adopting batch messaging, you can streamline efforts and allocate resources more effectively throughout the year, avoiding unnecessary, time-consuming tasks centered around short-lived peak periods.

Scale efficiently

Batch processing is the more scalable solution for handling large amounts of SMS and calls while maintaining the required throughput and responsiveness, and reducing the complexity of your server infrastructure.

The big takeaway? Cost savings. Both in terms of money and human resources. Are you ready to start using batch messaging to scale efficiently?