Information Lookup API

Look up the details about a phone number with a simple API request

Speak With A Voxologist

New York City's First Telephone Directory | 1878

Why Voxology?


phone number lookups


countries supported


platform monitoring

Phone Number Data

Gain access to the data you need to manage modern business.

Validate Phone Numbers

Identify Potential Fraud

Increase SMS Deliverability

Enhance Phone Experiences

Gain Access To Experts

Use Cases

Business runs on Phone Number Data.

Increase Conversion Rates

Reduce Fraud Risk

Reduce Chargebacks

Increase SMS Delivery Rates

Reduce Bad Leads


Get Your API Key

Check out our API Reference and Getting Started Guide to get going today. Whether you are new to Phone Number Information Lookups or considering switching to a new provider, our team can help you along the way.

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API Response Screenshot
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Communication Matters

Learn about our award-winning customer support.

The 2024 Visionary Spotlight Awards for Best Customer Service recognizes our commitment to excellent customer experience by creating harmony between our people, our technology and our customers.

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Lookup Options

Look up info about a phone number and only pay for what you need.

Local Phone Number Formatting

Phone Number Country Code

Caller ID Name (cnam)

Carrier Name

Line Type: wireless, landline, voip


Rate Center (NANPA)


Self Service Portal

Remarkable Support Included


Pay as you go. No contracts required. Volume discounts.

See Pricing