Phone Numbers

Local and Toll-Free Phone Numbers to Power Modern Communications

Speak With A Voxologist

International Telephone Switchboard | 1939

Premium Global Connectivity


calls connected


countries supported


platform monitoring

Why Voxology?

Manage phone numbers like a pro with an enterprise-grade, licensed carrier in the US and Canada.

Instant Provisioning

SMS-Enable Landlines (Hosted SMS)

Number Porting Automation

Security & Compliance

Global Coverage

Self Service Portal

Instant Provisioning

Register on our self service Portal to get going today. Whether you are a telecom novice or seasoned pro, our team is here to help you along the way.

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Self Service Phone Numbers Portal Screenshot
Support Award

Communication Matters

Learn about our award-winning customer support.

The 2024 Visionary Spotlight Awards for Best Customer Service recognizes our commitment to excellent customer experience by creating harmony between our people, our technology and our customers.

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Use Cases

Business runs on Phone Numbers.

Unified Communications

Emergency Calling

Contact Centers

Cloud PBX

Call Anonomization and Tracking

Interested in what else is possible with a virtual phone number?Learn More


Phone Numbers equipped for modern communications.

Local Phone Numbers

Toll-Free Phone Numbers

Short Codes

10DLC and Toll-Free SMS/MMS

SMS-Enable Landlines (Hosted SMS)

Instant Provisioning

Automated Porting

Caller ID Name

Emergency Address (E911)

Disaster Recovery

Multi-Channel Call Recording

Call Recording Storage

Fraud Controls

API Configuration


Premium Quality Routes

AI Enablement

Self Service Portal

BYO RespOrg

Remarkable Support Included

Segment Usage with Sub Accounts

Learn more about our products: Programmable Voice, Programmable Messaging or SIP Trunking.


Pay as you go. No contracts required. Volume discounts.

See Pricing