How to Apply SRE to Communications Applications

January 11, 2023 // Product

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a culture thing. SRE shouldn’t be treated as a generic set of practices and guidelines you bullet out in a doc, hoping your employees commit them to memory. At Voxology, we take SRE seriously. That’s why we wrote a whitepaper that we hope helps organizations embrace and improve their own SRE strategies.

Achieving optimal site and application reliability requires a corporate commitment to a sound SRE culture. Proactive, thoughtful strategies are required to ensure your customers aren’t the ones responsible for notifying you when your app or site is experiencing problems.

How can Voxology help? Choosing the right CPaaS provider can increase the capabilities and functionality of your communications infrastructure while enabling your overall SRE plan. Thinking about SRE? We love helping our customers formulate and implement SRE guidelines.

From the White Paper

At Voxology, we see SRE as a way of life. It’s not merely the job of a group of individuals or a certain department... it is a company-wide philosophy, and it's embedded in one of our core values: evolution. SRE requires continuous monitoring of your state and iterating to make it better. When every employee views providing a reliable customer experience as their job, the historic walls between Support, Development, and Operations can come down, empowering teams to work together to improve their systems and processes. There are a number of hallmarks of SRE in practice, including defining SLOs and monitoring metrics (SLIs), but ultimately SRE is about far more than just monitoring and alerting — it's about the relentless commitment to continuous improvement.

How’s Your SRE?

Have you considered implementing or updating your existing SRE practices? Read our Applying SRE Whitepaper for tips on how to build a sustainable SRE culture that drives measurable, positive results.