Impacts of poor CX with your CPaaS vendor

August 19, 2024 // Product

According to Gartner, quality Customer Experience (CX) is the most critical component of a Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) deployment. But what does it look like when your CPaaS vendor falls short on CX?

This article explores the detrimental impacts of poor CX with a CPaaS vendor and how Voxology's solutions can help mitigate these issues.

What does poor CX look like?

1. Automated or canned responses

When customers reach out for support and are met with automated or canned responses, it often feels impersonal and unhelpful. This can exacerbate frustration, especially when the responses fail to address specific issues or concerns.

2. Referrals to public documentation instead of prescriptive solutions

While documentation is a valuable resource, directing customers to public documentation rather than providing prescriptive, personalized solutions can make customers feel unsupported. Customers seek direct and actionable advice tailored to their unique situations, which documentation often lacks.

3. Slow responses or no responses at all

Timeliness is critical in CX. Slow responses or, worse, no responses at all can leave customers feeling neglected. When issues arise, customers need prompt support to maintain their operations and trust in the vendor.

4. Incomplete solutions

Providing incomplete solutions can be as detrimental as not providing any solution at all. Customers expect comprehensive and thorough assistance to resolve their issues fully. Incomplete solutions often lead to recurring problems and additional support requests down the line.

5. Unclear best practices on product implementation

Customers rely on their vendors to provide clear guidance and best practices for product implementation. A lack of clarity can result in incorrect usage, suboptimal performance, and, ultimately, dissatisfaction with the product.

Outcomes of poor CX

1. Customers grow frustrated by persistent issues without a resolution

When customers repeatedly encounter issues without adequate resolution, frustration mounts. Persistent problems can erode trust in the vendor's ability to support their needs effectively.

2. Company credibility is weakened

Poor CX can significantly damage a company's credibility. When a company consistently fails to meet customer expectations, word spreads, and their reputation suffers. This can deter potential customers from choosing their services.

3. Customer churn

Customer churn is a direct consequence of poor CX. Unsatisfied customers are more likely to switch to competitors who offer better support and a more reliable service experience. Retaining customers becomes increasingly challenging when CX is lacking.

4. Engineers get pulled into triaging customer issues

When CPaaS support teams fail to resolve issues effectively, their customer’s engineers often get pulled into triaging problems. This has several negative implications:

  • Opportunity cost: Engineers diverted to customer support miss opportunities to work on product development, innovation, and other critical tasks
  • Context switching hurts efficiency: Constantly switching between development and support tasks reduces overall efficiency and productivity
  • Engineer frustration: Prolonged involvement in support activities can lead to frustration and burnout among engineers, increasing the risk of turnover

Voxology solution

Voxology understands the importance of exceptional CX and offers comprehensive solutions to ensure customers receive the support they need.

1. Responsive CX team

Voxology's CX team is dedicated to providing timely and responsive support. Customers can expect prompt assistance and resolutions to their issues, minimizing downtime and frustration.

2. Timely resolutions

With Voxology, issues are resolved efficiently, ensuring customers can maintain smooth operations and focus on their core business activities. Timely resolutions enhance customer satisfaction and trust in the vendor.

3. Issues managed by your customer support team instead of escalating to engineers

Because the Voxology CX team is equipped to resolve the issues you and your customers experience related to Voxology, there is less need to escalate to your own engineering team.

4. Engineers can stay focused on more productive work

By minimizing the need for your engineers to engage in CPaaS support-related activities, Voxology helps maintain their productivity and efficiency. Engineers can dedicate their time to enhancing your product, ultimately benefiting your customers.

5. You customers are happier with their issues being resolved in a timely manner

Timely and effective resolutions lead to happier customers. When issues are addressed promptly, your customers feel valued and supported, fostering loyalty and long-term relationships.

6. Your company credibility is improved

Voxology's commitment to exceptional CX enhances your company's credibility. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend you, strengthening your company's reputation and attracting new business.

Check out this case study to learn how we helped a CX performance testing company expand its operations and improve its business-critical outcomes.

The CX you deserve

Poor CX with a CPaaS vendor can have significant negative impacts, from customer frustration and churn to weakened company credibility and diverted engineering resources.

Voxology's focus on responsive and effective CX ensures customers receive the support they need, resulting in happier customers, improved credibility, and more productive engineers. Investing in a CPaaS like Voxology can mitigate the risks associated with poor CX and drive long-term success.

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