Integrate intelligent SMS, MMS, group, and batch messaging into your application.
Voxology’s Programmable SMS gives developers the keys to one of the industry’s largest and most reliable cloud communications platforms in a powerful API. The service allows you to programmatically send and receive, long code (10DLC), short code, and toll-free SMS, MMS, group, and batch messages, setup auto-response, read logs, and manage phone numbers.
The Voxology REST API enables you to send individual, batch, and group SMS and MMS (picture, audio, video) messages. It also allows you to fetch logs, manage your account, applications, phone numbers, and callback configurations.
You can view a full list of Voxology’s REST API Methods on the API Reference.
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-d '{
"api_no": "+19495551212",
"caller_no": "+17145551212",
"text_message": "Hello, World!"
Voxology delivers inbound SMS and MMS messages via an http callback request. When a message is sent to an SMS enabled Voxology phone number, Voxology will send a callback request containing the text message and any media to the URL that you designate in the callback config. Unlike Programmable Voice, Voxology does not expect to receive a response to Programmable Messaging callbacks of “type”: “sms”
and “type”: “mms”
, however you can respond to messaging callback requests with a subset of Voxology Call Flow Actions.
"service": "programmable_messaging",
"type": "sms",
"app_id": "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee",
"subaccount_id": 0,
"api_no": "+19495551212",
"caller_no": "+17145551212",
"api_no_region": "FL",
"api_no_country": "US",
"api_no_timezone": "America/New_York",
"api_no_postal_code": "33444",
"api_no_city": "Delray Beach",
"api_no_latitude": "26.46081644913084",
"api_no_longitude": "-80.07187504809512",
"api_no_lata": "460",
"api_no_rate_center": "DELRAY BEACH",
"caller_no_region": "FL",
"caller_no_country": "US",
"caller_no_timezone": "America/New_York",
"caller_no_postal_code": "33444",
"caller_no_city": "Delray Beach",
"caller_no_latitude": "26.46081644913084",
"caller_no_longitude": "-80.07187504809512",
"caller_no_lata": "460",
"caller_no_rate_center": "DELRAY BEACH",
"direction": "inbound",
"message_id": "SMI:2d784af7-1410-41bd-9e89-f978082506c3",
"external_group_id": null,
"external_id": null,
"created_on": "2019-03-04T18:12:18.914Z",
"num_parts": null,
"uri": "/v1/Messages/SMI:2d784af7-1410-41bd-9e89-f978082506c3",
"text_message": "Hello world to you.",
"status": "received",
"error": null,
"error_code": null
If you choose to respond to SMS/MMS-related callback requests, you can either respond dynamically, or you can setup a "serverless" auto-response by pointing the sms callback requests to a static JSON file.
"actions": [
"type": "SMS",
"params": {
"no": "+17145551212",
"caller_id_no": "+19495551212",
"message": "Thanks for your message. We'll get back with you as soon as possible."
Voxology’s Actions are a set of instructions that you use to build your automated responses. You can combine them in all kinds of ways to create an experience for your customers.
into the messageLABEL
This tutorial is a step-by-step guide to setting up an SMS enabled number which receives a text message.
To receive an inbound text message, you need to search for an available phone number, provision it, and assign it to CallFlows
, using either the Portal or our API. If you have not already provisioned a phone number, please see our Provision Phone Number tutorial.
To quickly test inbound SMS, temporarily set your phone number’s callback configuration URL to the service following the steps below in the Portal. NOTE: You can also set your callback configuration using the API.
A. Go to
B. 'Copy' the "Your unique URL" value.
C. Go to Manage Inbound Phone Numbers page in the Portal and select the number you provisioned.
D. Click on the Callback Configuration tab.
E. Disable the Inherit Default Callback Configuration from Application toggle and then enable the Designated a Callback URL to where Voxology will send Callback Requests toggle to display the Callback Configuration form.
F. 'Paste' “Your unique URL” value (from into the Callback URL field.
G. Set the Callback Method field to
H. Click Save.
Now you can text “Hello, World!” to the new phone number that you configured. If all went well, you should be able to refresh your page and see HTTP callback request containing the text message.
Congratulations! You are now ready to send a text message from the number that you just programmed.
NOTE: You can now update the Callback URL to point to your own server where you could choose to display the message in a UI you’re building, or automatically respond.
This tutorial is a step-by-step guide for sending an SMS using the REST API.
To send a text message from the number that you programmed above, you will use the Send SMS method and 'copy/paste' the following body:
curl --X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-d '{
"caller_no": "TO_NUMBER",
"text_message": "Hello, World!"
Once you have prepared your request body, send it. If successful, you should receive the “Hello, World!” text message.
Congratulations! You can now send SMS messages from your Voxology phone numbers.
Next, you can learn how to set up an autoresponse for your Voxology Phone Numbers.
SMS compliance is critical. Voxology's Autoresponder makes it simple. Click here to get started with Messaging Autoresponder.